Hey there!

I'm Amukhoye Herbert

I am a software developer working with various frameworks and languages such as Spring Boot (Java), PHP 7 and above, Flutter/Dart and C++. I have interests in system design and implementation, as well as AI and Machine Learning and their applications in solving real-world problems such as computer vision with OpenCV.


My Career so far

17th April 2019 – 30th August 2019
He worked as an intern software tester at Copia Kenya, with his primary responsibility being testing development features for bugs before being pushed into production.He acquired skills in test case development, test implementation and manual software testing.

15th June 2021 - 30th November 2021 (Intern)
He worked as a junior software engineer, initially designing and implementing reports. He later on took up APIs, where he was responsible for the design and implementation of new API features, as well as maintenance of existing endpoints. He was also tasked with delivering the same features to the client sites and offering support to the same clients.
During this period, he acquired skills in design and implementation of restful APIs in Spring Boot, unit testing and coding standards and best practices.
1st December 2021 - Present (Associate Engineer)
He continued with the duties he performed as an intern, but worked more on functionality within the core system. He also offered advice on the approaches to take migrating the current system from PL/SQL to Spring Boot.He also helped in researching different API documentation frameworks for Spring Boot such as Swagger, Spring REST Docs and Stoplight.io.

Mobile Apps
Flutter Web
PHP 7 and above
Spring Boot
Google Cloud Platform

Want to get in touch?
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